CBD or not CBD? Interview with Dr. Robban A. Sica

Publishes on January 31, 2019

Audios will be posted by Brigitte Shortly

CBD or not CBD? Interview with Dr. Robban A. Sica, MD

Intro (Source: https://www.greenentrepreneur.com/article/319964)

This is Brigitte Mouchet with the Solari Wellness Series. I hope you’re all doing well. Today we’ll talk about CBD or not CBD with Dr. Robban A. Sica. Now that hemp has made it out of Schedule I Controlled Substances in the US, it is finally legal to cultivate and process hemp in the US. This opens the door to a multi-million dollar opportunity for farmers, businesses and investors. According to Hemp Business Journal and Vote Hemp hemp sales have been tripling from 2012 to 2016, and are projected to hit $1.8 billion by 2020. In this interview we’ll discuss the wellness aspects of hemp-derived CBD products and how to choose a CBD product, which is not easy when you’re faced with a plethora of options.

Dr. Robban Sica, is an expert in hormonal balance and Integrative Medicine. She was certified by the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology and Chelation Therapy in 1996 and the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine in 2009. Dr. Sica graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toledo in Ohio and received her doctorate from the Medical College of Ohio in 1982. Over the years, she developed an integrative approach for assessing and addressing patients’ health conditions by identifying underlying stressors whether from spiritual, emotional, physical, or social origin.

Dr. Sica has been a passionate advocate for Integrative Medicine, and served for many years on the Board of Directors of International College of Integrative Medicine, including four years as President, as ICIM representative to the Integrative Medicine Consortium from 2008 (including as Chairperson of the IMC Committee on Board Certification and as Co-chair 2015-2016), She has been Secretary of the American Association for Health Freedom from 2006-2013, and founding Vice President of the Connecticut Health Freedom Coalition. She also served as the secretary of the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology and a member of the Board of Directors of the American College for Advancement in Medicine.

Dr. Sica is also the founder, president, and medical director of an innovative and successful integrative practice of natural and alternative medicine, called Center for the Healing Arts, now located in Westport, Connecticut. In her practice, Dr. Sica uses a variety of natural therapies including CBD oil, and that’s why we are talking with Dr. Sica today.

Dr. Sica also provides Second Opinion services on my wellness service platform Healoha.

Dr. Sica, welcome to the Solari Wellness Series!

Q1. Let’s start by clarifying a few terms. What exactly is CBD? Where does it come from? What is the difference between hemp, cannabis and marijuana? Can you help us sort this out?

Q1. a. What’s the difference between hemp oil and CBD hemp oil?

Q1. b. Is CBD from hemp better and why?

Q1. c. What is legal where and what is not? Hemp is now legal in the US. Do you know about the situation outside of the US?

Q1. d. If we look at marijuana for a second, do you think that the legalization of marijuana is really a good thing knowing that the plant is much stronger than it was 30 years ago?

Q2. Why is everybody talking about CBD, from investment advisors to medical doctors and wellness experts?

Q3. What are the main benefits of CBD hemp oil for the body and for maintaining our wellbeing? (Explain the cannabinoid system, what it needs, etc.)

Q4. Do you think everybody can benefit from CBD hemp oil and/or who would benefit the most from it?

Q5. Could CBD hemp oil be a solution to our opioid epidemic and if yes, why?

Q6. Could CBD be a solution for other types of addictions?

Q7. What are the different ways of consuming CBD hemp oil and are there any differences?

Q8. What do we need to know about CBD products to be safe and to get optimal results? (absorption, with or without THC and how much, manufacturing process, organic and where it was grown, etc.)

Q9. What about THC? Can it be beneficial or is it best to stay away from it?

Q10. Can you share some of the results you’ve seen with your patients? And do you know about any contraindications?

Q11. You’ve experimented with different CBD hemp oil products yourself. Can you share a little bit about your experience with CBD?

Q12. What are your favorite brands, why and where can we find them?

Q13. What do you think of products like hydrating creams, shampoo, pain relief creams that also contain CBD oil? Is it worth it or do you prefer using pure CBD?

Q14. Are there other plants/substances that have similar effects to CBD? Do you know about Copaiba? What do you think of it? (https://www.doterra.com/US/en/p/copaiba-softgels)


I think we’ve discussed pretyy much everything I wanted to talk about today. Dr. Sica, do you have any final thought for our listeners?

Dr. Sica, thank you so much for your time today and for making us more knowledgeable about CBD and its wellness-enhancing capabilities! Again, if people want to find you, they can sign up on Healoha and easily book a Second Opinion session with you over the phone and ask you any question they might have. This is Brigitte Mouchet with the Solari Wellness Series. Thank you for listening and take good care of yourself because it’s more fun to be well!


What’s The Difference Between Hemp Oil and CBD Oil?