
Have Invited the Emily Post Foundation

Hi Catherine,

This sounds like a wonderful opportunity. I have two questions. 1. What is your audience size – we work with shows of all sizes, but I was curious and hoping you could provide information. 2. I would love to have Daniel Post Senning do this interview with you, however he is away on vacation until Monday (June 11th), is it alright with you if I speak with him and circle back to you next week?

Thank you again for reaching out.


> On Jun 5, 2018, at 9:23 AM, Catherine Austin Fitts wrote:
> Name
> Catherine Austin Fitts
> Email
> Phone
> (731) 609-2412
> Publication/Organization
> Solari Report
> Deadline
> 12/31/2018 24:00 PM
> Time Zone
> Central
> Topic
> The Role & Importance of Good Manners
> Availability
> At Your Convenience
> Message
> Ladies and Gentlemen:
> I would like to invite Lizzie Post and/or Daniel Post Senning to join me on the Solari Report to introduce the Institute and your work to our subscribers.
> I was inspired to learn about your work by my purchase of my third copy of Etiquette last year – I still have my first copy which is the one my mother used to raise and educate our family. I did not understand how valuable that education was at the time – now I do.
> The Solari Report is a weekly interview for subscribers typically focused on finance, economics and geopolitics. Recent guests have included Howard Root, founder of Vascular Solutions, Amy Benjamin, Professor at Auckland University of Technology, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, economist Bob Litan, OMB deputy in the Clinton Administration, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, and Dr. Kelly Greenhill, Professor at Tufts.
> Our subscribers are primarily in North America, Europe and Asia. They are independent minded – and interested in personal wealth, geopolitics and contributing to their community.
> Our subscribers are a responsible, well-mannered group. However, we are struggling with how to maintain our manners and ensure our children and grandchildren learn good manners in a culture and using technology mediums that seem increasingly ill mannered.
> This is also a financial and political issue. How can we govern ourselves or maintain a healthy economy if our manners continue to deteriorate. What to do?
> An interview with you will inspire us on the importance and role of good manners and introduce your podcast, website and work as a source of ongoing inspiration. We need a place to plug in on this topic.
> The audio version would be published for subscribers only. A video short and post will be e-mailed to our full public update list.
> If you are available, I would like to pre-record a 1 hour interview with you in June. How is any morning next week or the following week?
> We record an audio by phone – our producer Justin Woods will send you an access number and you will call in.
> Please let me know if you have any questions and what times would work for you

Here is the movie: